Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The idiocy of arrogance

YES!  Arrogance makes you stupid!

Arrogance make you stupid by leading you to believe a false perception of yourself. Blinding you to the reality of the situation or your own abilities.

No one should be arrogant, no matter how good you are at whatever.  There is always someone that does it better, faster cheaper.  More importantly, being arrogant will cause you to stop improving.

You see, when you know that there is room for improvement, you keep trying to improve.  You are aware that there is something more to learn.  When you are arrogant, you think that you know everything you need to know, you are doing everything you can do, or worse, you think that no one can do it better.  When you're arrogant you don't know what you don't know and you stop trying to learn, grow and get better.  You fail to listen to reason and good advice.

Let me give you an example;  I know how to change a tire or change the spark plugs in my car, but I know that I don't know how to fix the other more complicated parts in my car.  Understanding this, I will either take it to someone who does know these things or go learn it myself.  Believe it or not there are some people out there that are arrogant enough to think "I know how to do all those other little things on my car so, I can work on the engine."

See what happens when you're arrogant, you don't think you need to go learn something.

The irony of this post is that the people who really need to read it are too arrogant to think it applies to him/her.

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