Friday, September 22, 2017

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This is what I know...

God gave all of us free will.  Sometimes people don't make the best choices and good people get caught in those bad choices.  Eve made a poor choice.  Biting the apple is not the poor choice but, not trusting what God told her is the poor choice.

God doesn't want mindless drones in his kingdom. We are all free to make good choices because of God's love for us and not to get God to love us more i.e., we want to do well because we are loved.  Think about how much harder you work for something when you really want it.

God is not a geni, here to grant your every wish.  Like a good parent, he will see us through the hardships and help us celebrate the good times.  Think about a parent/guardian/supervisor of others, we don't give in to our children's/employees' every wish and whem because we know that's not what best for them.  A good parent is not afraid to say "No."

Let's give the devil his due!  When something bad happens, don't ask, "God, why would you let this happen?!"  You could ask but, you'll not get the answer that will satisfy you in the heat of the moment and only the devil doesn't want you asking questions.  Instead say,  "Devil, I know this your doing and I am not going to let you get to me!  God, I don't know why this happened, God but, I do know you won't give me anything I can't handle and you will see me through this, too!"  Say it out loud as many times as you need. 

God allows bad things to happen because we may need lessons in an area in order to be better people. A lot of the time the lesson won't be so obvious. So you have to analyze the situation.

There was a particularly hard time in my life that made me feel like the I had been blacklisted. It seemed like nothing was going right. I made it a point to find happiness in the littlest things, like the fact that I was finally able to get my long time slow running tub drain to clear without having to spend lots of money I didn't have at the time. I gave thanks to Him every time I took a shower for weeks! 

Despite my feeling of despair, I made myself get up and work because I felt that tugging that I feel when God really wants me to do something. I didn't feel like working because it seem to be for not but, I did any way.  Eventually,  I realized that I wasn't thinking about my feelings of despair, at least not while I was busy.  That made me want to keep working. Then I got it and I said out loud, "Oh! You want me to get used to working during the times I may feel at my lowest and when I just want to curl up under the covers and sleep."

Sometimes I just went to my work space and straighten up but, I didn't wallow in my despair. Once I made the realization of the lesson, things got better immediately. My circumstances changed slowly but, I no longer had the feeling of despair.

So look at it like this...bad experiences fortify our being and character. Sometimes it needs to be proven to us that we are strong enough to make it through what's coming. To think about it in a material way, precious metals and gems have to go through a long specific process to be created and then another to become the beautiful and even stronger. God allows bad things so we learn what God already knows abouts us.